Our costumers have a chance to listen for a great poem of Shota Rustaveli in three languages. This will give them a sense of Georgian language sounds, harmony and tunes, to understand it through English translation made in XIX century. Russian translation is also available.
Shota Rustaveli was the greatest Georgian poet of the XII century. There are no
written records of his life. The only authentic record we possess of him is his
great epic poem, "The Knight in the Tiger's Skin", (another title - The Man in
the Panther’s Skin) in the introduction to which the poet, incidentally, remarks
that he is a contemporary of Queen Tamar. It was the epoch of the greatest
consolidation of the might of the Georgian realm and the renascence of its
cultural life. Subsequently, during the course of three centuries, as a result
of devastating invasions of Eastern conquerors, the cultural life of Georgia
fell into a decline.
These centuries have left but very few works of literature. But the renascence
of the intellectual life of the country which began in the XVI century brought
to the fore a number of poets whose works permit us to form a conception of the
immense popularity of Rustaveli at that time. Nearly all the poets of that
period mention his name, address themselves to him as to their Muse and beg his
permission to write verse. The influence of Rustaveli on their works bore a
semblance of almost despotic authority. It was only by the end of the XVII
century that Rustaveli's poem, having crystallized into an unsurpassable model
and having ceased to be an object of imitation, liberated Georgian literature
from the captivity in which it had been held by it, while the general course of
its development was still illumined by the great poem.
It would be difficult to name another poet in whose works both intellectual and
emotional forces are revealed simultaneously and so powerfully as we observe it
in Rustaveli's poem. He loves to ponder on various phenomena of life, to draw
conclusions and to make generalizations. Along with this, the whole poem is
permeated with lyricism and pathos, sometimes attaining the height of veritable
Rustaveli does not trouble himself with the common things of everyday life. He
is interested exclusively in the general interrelations among .men and in the
character of the principal human emotions. Resorting to hyperbole and over
coloring, he constantly strives to grasp the main essence of the phenomena he
depicts and to raise it to the height of a principle. Speaking of poetry,
Rustaveli says that it is "one of the oldest branches of wisdom". He considers
it the duty of a poet and a proof of his talent to be able to evoke great
emotions, inflaming the heart with the words of his poems.
According to a popular tradition, Rustaveli journeyed to Jerusalem when well
advanced in years and died there in one of the Georgian monasteries, having
attained a venerable age.
Three versions are available to be purchased:
Georgian, Russian and English. All audio files are in mp3 format, mono.
Important note: Audio versions are especially useful for people with
disabilities (poor eyesight or completely blind, other physical and mental
limitations that result from different health problems and make it more
difficult to read books). They can download mp3 files, copy them onto local PC
or portable digital audio players (mp3 players – iPod for instance) and listen
for them at any time.
Georgian audio version. mp3 format. Reads: Mr. Guram Sagaradze 4 files for downloading total: 48 Mb. Duration: approximately 2 hours. Price: 9 USD |
Georgian printed (exactly as Georgian audio version) version. 177 pages. Illustrations by S. Kobuladze included. Adobe Reader format (pdf) . 8.27x11.69 inches. 1.55 MB Price: 9 USD |
English audio version. mp3 format. Translation
of Ms. Majory Wardrop |
English printed (exactly as English audio version) version. 191 pages. Illustrations by S. Kobuladze included. 1.47 MB Adobe Acrobat format (pdf extention) 8.27x11.69 inches USD 9 |
Russian audio version. mp3 format |
Russian printed (exactly as Russina audio version) version Translation of Mr. Nikolai Zabolotski. 205 pages. Illustrations by S. Kobuladze included. 5.2 MB Adobe Acrobat format (pdf extention) 8.27x11.69 inches Price: 9 USD |
Поверьте мне (человеку - не особенно любящему поэзию) – эта поэма, несмотря на более чем 800 летний возраст, современнее многих сегодняшних литературных произведений, имеет захватывающий сюжжет и полна мудрых высказываний, которые не устареют, пока на Земле существует человек.
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«Витязь в тигровой шкуре». Аудио mp3 формат Перевод: Николай Заболоцкий. Читает: Михаил Ульянов. Продолжительность около 2 часов 4 файла: 48 Mb Цена: 9 USD
«Витязь в тигровой шкуре». Печатная копия (точно соответствует
аудио формату) Перевод: Николай Заболоцкий. 205 страниц. Иллюстрации: Серго Кобуладзе. 5.2 MB Формат: Adobe Acrobat (pdf расширение) Размер страниц: 21 x 29.3 см Цена: 9 USD