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We sell Georgian dance music CDs here

Since November 2011 shipping company increased the cost of their service by 50%, but the cost of our service remains the same. Even more, starting November 24, 2012 we provide one DVD or CD disk free of charge as Christmas free gift. Please, be advised that the shipping service we use does not accept PO Boxes as your shipping address. Please, be advised that we use shipping service which does not accept PO Boxes as your shipping address. Please use your private or office addresses only .

Please, send me an e-mail for disk availability and issuing an invoice. tkancheli[@]me4u.biz (remove brackets) /h2>
Delivery to any point of the world usually takes up to 14 working days.

Georgian music culture is acknowledged in many countries of the world. We have designed Best Georgian Music website http://georgian-music.com in order to let people to listen to the streaming Georgian music of different genres on-line. And we get request from that website, which we try to satisfy through this e-store. Please, contact me on the availability of the CD. 

Since shipping of merchandise from Georgia is rather expensive, unfortunately we have to sell CDs in sets which contain 3 ? or more CDs. You can choose any music CDs from http://georgian-music.com and request from 3 to 7 CDs (same of different titles) in the set to be put on the e-store. If you need more CDs, please contact me (i will provide you with discount). You can also use already prepared sets which were requested by other customers.

We maintain contacts with music recording studious and CD manufacturing companies.

Buy the set of three Georgian music CDs
(minimal amount)

Price: USD 20, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
Total: According to the destination
Buy the set of four Georgian music CDs

Price: USD 30, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
Total: According to the destination
Buy the set of five Georgian music CDs

Price: USD 40, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
Total: According to the destination
Buy the set of six Georgian music CDs
Price: USD 48, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
Total: According to the destination
Buy the set of seven Georgian music CDs
Price: USD 56, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
Total: According to the destination

Choose Georgian dance music CD

  1. Georgian Dances Dol-Garmonze
  2. Georgian National Dancing Melodies.
  3. Georgian National Ballet Sukhishvili. Zekari. Dance music. (2002).
  4. Kartuli tsekvebi.Georgian Dances. Plays: Mr. Fridon Bendeliani
  5. Folk Ensemble. Tbilisi. Georgian Dancing Melodies (2003)
  6. Folk Ensemble Tbilisi. Georgian Dancing Melodies (2002)
  7. Rustavi 2004. Georgian Dance Melodies
  8. Georgian Dance Tunes
  9. Georgian Folk Dances.

You can also buy sheet music from here.
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