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Georgian music culture is acknowledged in many countries of the world. We have designed Best Georgian Music website
https://www.georgian-music.com in order to let people to listen to the
streaming Georgian music of different genres on-line.
And we get request from that website, which we try to satisfy through this e-store.
Since shipping of merchandise from Georgia is rather expensive, unfortunately we have to sell CDs in sets which contain
3 ? or more CDs.
You can choose any music CDs from https://www.georgian-
music.com and request from 3 to 7 CDs
(same of different titles) in the set to be put on the e-store.
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We maintain contacts with music recording studious and CD manufacturing companies.
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Total: According to the destination
Buy the set of four Georgian music CDs
Price: USD 30, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
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Buy the set of five Georgian music CDs
Price: USD 40, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
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Buy the set of six Georgian music CDs
Price: USD 48, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
Total: According to the destination
Buy the set of seven Georgian music CDs
Price: USD 56, Shipping: According to the destination (write to me and I will figure out), Handling: USD 0
Total: According to the destination
Georgian popular music CD
- Nini Shermadini. First Step. 2008. 15 songs.
- Lela Tsurtsumia. Live. Concert. 2007.
- Jaba Bojgua. 2007. 9 songs.
- Koba Kvachadze. Tirpi. 2007. 14 songs.
- Temur Sepiashvili. 2007. CD #1. 1)I Not in Love. 2) I'm Here 3) The Song
Heard in the Street 4) Hurrying to You 5. How Time Flies 6. What Did the
Cloud Want? 7. Tbilisi Hard asleep 9. What's Going On 8. Spring 10. The Father
You Are. 11. Rain in Spring . 12. May Playful Flowers. 13. the Soldiers of
Georgia. 14. Who Will Blame Me. CD #2. I Wish to Wander in Your Streets. 2) The
Old Garden 3. Love Song 4)Mukhanbazi 5. You Are Sorry of Love 6) I don't
Remember Anyone Else 7) Don't Ask Me 8) Just a Little Bit More 9) Don't Angry
With Me 10) Almond Blossoming Snow-white 11) A Letter to Abkhazia 12. My
Edelweiss 13) Heart Undivided 14. the Wind Blows 15. Spring Has Set In 16.
Eighteen years later 17. P.S. I've Also Turned Gray.
- Our Hit #2 (2007). 1) D. Khujadze & Lagidze. 2) Ana Jaki. 3) Giorgi
Porchkhua. 4) Kuchis Bichebi (Street Boys). 5) L. Tsurtsumia. 6) Veriko
Turashvili. 7) M. Sepashvili & Maya Askurava. 8) Nini Chkheidze. 9) Ensemble
RONDO. 10. T. Amonashvili & Lali Totikashvili. 11) Skyline.
- Ar Daidardo (2007). 1) Datuna Sirbiladze. 2) V. Kikabidze. 3) Korali. 4)
Mamuka Onashvili. 5) Dato Nozadze. 6) Misha Zakareishvili. 7) Quintet "KELAPTARI".
8) Nini CHkheidze. 9) Nigzar Apkhaidze. 10) Dato Archvadze. 11) Zura
Darbaidze. 12) Diana Gurtskaya. 13. Tamta Goguadze.
- Nino Chkheidze. 2007. 1) You Are Far From Me 2) Ietim Gurji
3) Let Me Kiss You 4) During Cold Winter 5) My Duduki 6) Mikhambazi (Muhanbazi) 7) Tushian Love Song 8)
Concerns of My Heart 9) My Hero 10) Khevsuretian Ballade 11) You Are Leaving Again 12) A Claud
- Anri Jokhadze (Johadze). 2006
- Tamuna Amonashvili. Then What? album 2006. 1)Than What? 2) Time Flies. 3) One Night 4)It Will Be Late 5)
Melancholy Sky 6) Wish It 7) Sweeps Fly 8) Leavs' Dance 9) It will Start Again 10) He Will Come 11) Without You 12)
That What Was Yesterday 13) Corry 14) A Fox Got Into the Hen House 15) For Ever (In
Russian) 16. I Know Sadness Will Disappear (In Russian) 17) Portrait 18) Dance With Me (In
Russian) 19) A Ship 20) On A Long Way 21) Simmer has Flyed Away
- David Gomarteli. Come And Kiss Me album. 2006 1) You Are Small 2) Spring Has Come 3) Samba Brazileiro 4)
Jamaika 5) Fatima 6) Baiati 7) It Was Snowing 8) I Am What I Am. 9) Bonus Clip
- Gvanca Zakareishvili. "rom motkva". 2006 release
- Nato Gelashvili. "akvavdeba roca nushi". (1. akvavdeba roca nushi. 12. ....). 2006 release
- Mamuka Onashvili. Night of Dream. 2006 release
- Giga Gvenetadze. Author's Album #2. (1 ? 12). 2006 release
- Veriko Turashvili. "shenze". (1. ratom mikvardi. ? 11. shenze.. . 2006 release
- Eka Merabishvili. "minda da makoce" album. (1. damisxi gvino. ... 12. vart tsut-soflis stumrebi). 2006 release
- ucnobi. Full collection #1. 2006 release
- Sound. The Best. 2006 release
- Tika Patsatsia. "Gaza Momavali". 2006 release
- Lela Tsurtsumia. (1. chuta chain. 2. Megruli Popuri. 3. Yamo Helisa. 4. Kochari. 5. sad gedzebo? 6. lazi gogos
somgera. 7. zalada. 8. khorumi. 2006 release
- 2006 Summer Hits. (N. Dzotsenidze. T. Patsatsia. V. Turashvili. Lela Tsurtsumia. K. Kukhianidze. L. Mikutashvili.
D. Gomarteli. T. Gachechiladze. A. 2006 release
- Udzilauri. Diameqsi. Eka Kvaliashvili. T. Gachechiladze. N. Tsulaia. Eka Kvaliashvili. 2006 release
- Tatia Giorgobiani. "usasrulo molodini". 2006 release
- Keta Topuria. Me album. 2006 release
- Salome. Hello Tomorrow album. 2006 release
- chemo saqartvelo album. 2006 release
- Hits of FM 104.3 #1 2006 release
- Hits of FM 104.3 #2 2006 release
- Hits of FM 104.3 #3 2006 release
- Music Terminal. (1. Mamuka Onashvili. 2. Ciuro Mchedlidze. 3. "Ibereti". 4. Kristine. 5. Levan Jibladze. 6. Eka
Mamaladze. 7. DEMO. 8. L. Jibladze. 9. Gio Daoshvili. 10. Eka Merabishvili. 11. Kompozicia. 12. Anri Jokhadze. 2006
- Folk ensemble "Lomisi". 2006 release
- Ucnobi (Utsnobi). Giorgi Gachechiladze. vol. #1
- Ucnobi (Utsnobi). Giorgi Gachechiladze. vol. #2
- T. Tatarashvili. Making Glad.
- T. Tatarashvili. gmerto tbiliss umravle nagdi tbiliselebi. O, Lord, Let Real Tbilissians Be More album.
- Missing melodies. vol. #1
- Missing melodies. vol. #2
- Missing melodies. vol. #3
- Missing melodies. vol. #4
- Missing melodies. vol. #5
- City songs (kalakuri melodiebi). vol.
- Georgian Hymns. The Men Choir "Sioni" Cathedral in Tbilisi. 1005, 10 of July.
- Panchuri album. The Best Songs of Pancho.
Genre: pop-music. 2005.
- Liliko Nemsadze. Disk #1. Female singer
- Liliko Nemsadze. Disk #2. Female singer
- Nino Badurashvili. chumad mitkhari. Tell Me Stilly album. 2004.
- Buba Kikabidze. tbilisuri simgerebi. Tbilisian Songs album. Contains 2 CDs. 23 pieces. Genre: city songs. 2004.
- Lela Tataraidze. Night At Samtsikhe album. Genre: folk. 2004. Contains Divx format clip "What A Beauty Tusheti
Is". Tusheti - a region of Georgia.
- Group Vakis Parki. Genre: pop-rock. 2004
- Fortuna. (vol. 8. 2004) - compilation of most popular Georgian songs broadcasted via FM 103.4 in 2004.
- Fortuna. (vol. 7. 2004) - compilation of
most popular Georgian songs broadcasted via FM 103.4 in 2004.
- Fortuna. (vol. 6. 2004) - compilation of
most popular Georgian songs broadcasted via FM 103.4 in 2004.
- Fortuna. (vol. 5. 2004) ? compilation of
most popular Georgian songs broadcasted via FM 103.4 in 2004.
- Fortuna. (vol. 4. 2004) ? compilation of
most popular Georgian songs broadcasted via FM 103.4 in 2004.
- Tako Gachechiladze(2004)
- Maya Baratashvili- Romaces (2004)
- Emi. Close Your Eyes album 2004
- ar daidardo. FM 104.3. 2004
- Lela Tsurtsumia. Stupid Rain album2004.
- Rusa Morchiladze. The Best.2004.
- Temur Tsiklauri.Stop, I Get Out - album.
- Temur Tsiklauri. chemo sakartvelo martmadidebulo album. 2004.
- Nino Katamadze - The Ordinary Day
album - Published in 2004.
- Nino Katamadze and Insight - Published in
- Nino Katamadze - Start New Peaceful Day
album. Georgian Ethno Musical Project. 2 video CD. live - Published in 2004.
- Erisioni - Georgian Legend album - Published
in 2004.
- Leila Todadze - 2004.
- Dzveli Tbilisi. Old Tbilisi. Dudukebi. 16 pieces - 2004.
- kuchis bichebi. Street Boys. SOS album.- 2004.
- Mamuka Onashvili. Night Of Dream album - 2004.
- Rustavi ensemble. Old Georgian melodies album. - 2004. 17 pieces.
- XXI Georgian popular songs - 2003.
- Nugzar Ergemlidze. Gruzin v Moskve - 2003.
- Revaz Lagidze. Songs.- 2003.
- Giorgi Tsabadze. Chemo Tbilis Kalako (My
Tbilisi).- 2003.
- Basti-bubu (Bastibubu). Compilation of
songs - 2003.
- Leks-seni. Georgian rap.- 2003.
- David Gomarteli - 2003.
- Lia Lejava. Today In Tbilsi They Are Singing On
Love- 2003.
- Lela Sikharulidze (siharulidze,
sixarulidze). Swan Song.
- Mr. Nodar Nikolaishvili - 2003.
- Ms. Manana Todadze - 2003.
- Tamta Giorgobiani - 2003.
- Top 20 of Mea - 2003 compilation.Listen
- Fortuna. (vol. 3. 2003) ? compilation. Listen
- Vakis Parki - New Day (2003)
- Eka Meparidze sings old Georgian
romances and songs by Giorgi Chubinishvili - Hma Gulisa
- David Khujadze - I Don't Want To Offend
You (2003)
- Fortuna. (vol. 2. 2003) ? compilation.
- Stepane (2003)
- Sound ? The Best (2003)
- Green Room ? Shut Down (2003)
- Nato Gelashvili (2003)
- Fortuna (vol. 1. 2003) ? compilation.
- Alexander Basilaya. (2003). 19 pieces.Listen
- Maestro - compilation (2003)Listen
- Rusa Morchiladze Album - The Best.
Two CDs. Year: 2003.
- Gzavnili XXI saukuneshi (2002) Compilation.
- Nugzar Chkhaidze - When
You Get Gloomy(2002)
- Lela Tsurtsumia. Album: The Best.
Year: 2002.
- Keti Topuria. Year: 2002.
- Temur Tatarashvili. Shenamde
movedi album (I reached you album). 2002
- Tika Jamburia(Ms.) Year: 2002
- Marika Thelidze (Tkhelidze)(Ms.) Year:
- Tamta Goguadze (Ms.). Album: The Best. Year: 2002.
- Tamta Goguadze. (Ms.). Album: Let's do together. (2002). 11 pieces.
- Street Boys. Album: Wanna To Love
Me.Year : 2002.
- David Khujadze (Khudjadze)
(Mr.).Album: I Want You To Want This. Year : 2002
- Intro. Album: From Me Personally. Year : 2002.
- Dini Virsaladze. Album: Misterious.
- Rondo. Compilation. http://rondo.ge Listen.
- Ati Nati (2002)Listen
- Nostalgia. Compilations of songs. I part
- Nostalgia. Compilations of songs. II part
- Nostalgia. Compilations of songs. III part Listen
- Basti-Bubu (Bastibubu)(part I).
- Cocktail (2002). Compilation Listen
- Maestro (Georgian Voices, University, Tbilisi
ensebles' compilation)
- Adio (Adio-shin album)
- Tamriko Chokhonelidze album (2001)
- XX saukunis populari simgerebi. Nana
Sebiskveradze. vol. 1. (2002)
- XX saukunis populari simgerebi. Nana
Sebiskveradze. vol. 2. (2002)
- XX saukunis populari simgerebi. Nana Sebiskveradze. vol. 3. (2002)
- XX saukunis populari simgerebi. Nana
Sebiskveradze. vol. 4. (2002)
- XX saukunis populari simgerebi. Nana
Sebiskveradze. vol. 5. (2002)
- Forte album.
- Nana Kalandadze. Compositions. (14 pieces). With
Ensemble Tbilisi., "KARTULI KHMEBI (Georgian Voices) "Goroot Vocaal Wehl". (2002)
- Maya Jabua. Me Vimgereb. Album.
- Vakis Parki (2002).Listen
- Kaha (Kakha) Tsiskaridze (Ciskaridze) 2002 album.
- Temur Kvitelashvili. I'm From Georgia. 2002 album.
- Rusudan Sebiskveradze (2001). Album
- Merab Sepashvili. (2001). Album
- Mr. Irakli Charkviani. (2001) Album
- Art Imedi Tsarmogidgent. Compilation.
- Lela Tsurtsumia. Album: Dreaming On
You. Year: 2001.
- Nukri Kapanadze (Mr.) Album: Almond Snow. Year: 2000
- Roma Rtskhiladze (Mr.). Album: Tunny Men. Year: 2000
- Roma Rtskhiladze (Mr.). Album: Fresh Air. Year: 2000
- Inola Gurgulia. Album: In The
Beginning Was The Song. Listen
- Album: Hello, My City Tbilisi.>
- Blue Trio. Listen
- Album: Retro.
- Nani Bregvadze. Album: Romance,
Romance. Listen
- Album: Kontinental-1.
The Stars Of Georgian Pop-music. Year 1999.
- Ucnobi. (1999). Album "Kvekanazea". Music - Ucnobi. Lyrics: Ucnobi.
- Maya Karkarashvili (1998). 13 pieces.
- Trio Tbilisi. City Songs. (20 pieces).
- Dato Gomarteli album.
- Merab Sepashvili album. Album: Wind Blows (15 pieces).
- Green Room. Album. (2001).
- Album: Soundtracks From Georgian Movies. Listen
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