Buy handicrafts made by Koba Berelidze
Please take into consideration the real color differs from the color that you can see on the screen of your computer. I would like to mentions that colors are subjective matter in principal and ?real color" does not exist. It depends on human individual specificity, specific conditions (light, surroundings, etc.), quality and settings of your monitor, conditions when the picture was taken etc.

Hanging Wine Horns.
Materials: Natural horns, natural bone, German silver
Price: USD 60
Shipping: USD 38

Twain Wine Horns
Materials: Natural horns, natural bone, German silver
Price: USD 106
Shipping: USD 40

Materials: German silver, wood, sue, natural stones
Price: USD 48
Shipping: USD 30

Turtle casket
Materials: German silver, wood, red sue, natural stones
Price: USD 48
Shipping: USD 30

A Papillion Casket
Materials: German silver, wood, red sue, natural stones
Price: USD 50
Shipping: USD 33